AI Writer for Creating

Create High-Quality Content 10x Faster with Adaine Write. From Blogs, Ads,
Emails, Social Media Posts, and more. We've Got You Covered!

No credit card required

Trusted by freelancers, marketers, entrepreneurs and professionals from across the world.

Superpowers With Adaine

Generate powerful high-quality content like blogs, ads, emails, descriptions, captions, and more in seconds.


Brainstorm faster

Use our advanced AI as your personal content writer or partner to help you with the endless work for your business.


Tools and templates

Using our AI tools and pre-built templates, you can create content briefs, write, and optimize content all in one place.


Write content faster

You don't need to spend hours writing good content - let our advanced AI Writer get it done for you.


Repurpose content easily

Write once and save it, then use it everywhere. You can also easily rewrite content for different purposes with ease.


Write in multiple languages

Let AI write for you in over 25+ languages - including English, Spanish, French, and many more.


Copy and publish anywhere

Copy your desired content and then easily publish it on Shopify, WordPress, or anywhere else.

How To

Few steps to write content

Let our AI ace your writing needs, from ad copy to
emails, social media content, and more!

1. Select writing template

Simply pick a template from the list to write content for blogs, ads, emails, and more.

  • We offer over 65+ different templates to choose from.
  • A clean and minimalist editor.
  • Easy to use content generator.

2. Describe your topic

Give our AI content writer a few sentences, and it will start writing for you!s

  • Simply provide a few inputs as topics
  • Type a topic like "How can AI help my content writing?"
  • Facebook Ads, headlines, emails and over 60 other tools.

3. Generate quality content

Our powerful AI tools can generate content in seconds, and you can easily export it wherever you need it.

  • Generate content in under 30 seconds.
  • All content is unique and original.
  • Generate up to 500 - 800 words each time.
Use Cases

Generate in seconds using AI

Let our AI take on time-consuming writing tasks, such as social media posts, emails andmore. Free up your time with our AI's help.

Blog Post & Articles

Generate optimized blog posts and articles to get organic traffic - Boosting your online visibility.

Product Description

Create a perfect description for your products to engage your customers to click and buy.

Social Media Ads

Create impactful ad copies for your social media marketing campaigns with our AI-powered tools.

Product Benefits

Create a list of benefits for your product to designed to entice and motivate customers to buy.

Suggest Improvements

Revamp your content with our AI-powered writer for a more engaging and impactful message.

Landing Page Content

Craft compelling headlines, slogans, and paragraphs for your website's to captivate your audience.

Boost your writing productivity

Your AI Professional Team

Get access to a team of copywriters, social media specialists, coaches and experts who can write powerful copy for you, create engaging content and provide you with expert guidance with just one click.

  • No credit card required.
  • Cancel anytime

Plans that start free and fits with your needs

With our simple plans, supercharge your content writing to helps your business. Let's make great content together.

Yearly Save 16%

Free Trial

$0 / month

Access to AI writer features to help you get a taste of AI writing.

Try out features to determine what works best for you
Give a try for free
  • 1000 Words
  • 32 Templates
  • 25+ Languages
  • AI Article Writer
  • Advance Editor Tool
  • 1-Click Document Export


$49 / month

$495 / yearly

For professionals, content creators, marketers, entrepreneurs and businesses

Take your writing to another level with adaine professional and get an AI team.
All in Unlimted including AI Team
  • Unlimited Words
  • 65+ Templates
  • 25+ Languages
  • Adaine Art 200 generated images
  • Adaine Code Generator
  • Adaine Chat Co-pilot
  • Adaine Chat Virtual Team
  • Documents
  • Grammarly Integration
  • Advance Editor Tool
  • Make your own AI Commands
  • 1-Click Document Export
  • Access New Features
  • Premium support

*Fair Use Policy applicable

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions not answered in the FAQ, please do not hesitate to contact us.